The annual NAISTD conference is a gathering of industry specific job training individuals from each state (Members or Associate members – see Membership page). Representatives include those from State Commerce Departments, State Community College Systems, State Workforce Development Programs, etc. During the conference, Members are given a 20-minute time slot to present state program highlights, successes and challenges from the previous fiscal year. This conference affords time for networking between state members and the opportunity to recognize different job training approaches and programs. Conference speakers will offer new ideas and attendees will be challenged to continue their dedication to job training and assisting their states to educate and grow their workforce base.
Participation in the National Association for Industry Specific Training Directors (NAISTD) is a great opportunity for individuals in their respective states to network with their peers, learn best practices and share in their experiences. Although there is only one voting member from each state, associate members are encouraged to participate along with interested observers or consultants who also work with industry-specific training program administrators. Our NAISTD directory contains the lead state contact person within each state responsible for administration of their industry training programs. For those states that are not current members of NAISTD, we encourage you to join the organization and take advantage of the wealth of information and expertise that resides in each of the member states.
Executive Board
President | Kristie Davis, Missouri
President-Elect | Mary York, Texas
Past President | Mike Grundmann, Virginia
Secretary | Courtney Taylor, Mississippi
Treasurer | Sara Gutierrez, New Mexico
Member at Large | Lisa Schaefer, Colorado
Member at Large | Kevin Taylor, Alabama
Member at Large | Amy Dutton, Ohio
Member at Large | Elise Meyers, Ohio
Member at Large | Patrick Gannon, New Mexico